11 FAQs about being a Blueprint Math Fellow
October 16, 2021 | By Dan GolubWhat does Blueprint do?
Blueprint trains Math Fellows to tutor small groups of students in public schools.
Who becomes a Blueprint Math Fellow?
What fellows share is their passion for working with students and their excitement when engaging students in math. But prior to Blueprint, fellows come from all walks of life! There is no fellow archetype. Fellows are recent college graduates, people looking to try out teaching, retirees, folks that love kids, people looking for a career change, students wrapping up their college degree, and service-oriented people that want to give back to their communities.
What makes a Blueprint Math Fellow successful?
This job is hard! Tutoring groups of students is not easy! That said, what makes a math fellow successful is an openness and willingness to learn.
How are Blueprint Math Fellows supported?
Blueprint offers a system of support so that you are successful in your first year as a fellow. Your most direct support is from your Site Manager who will meet with you weekly for individual coaching. You will also engage in weekly professional development workshops with your Blueprint Fellow cohort or your school site and engage in weekly lesson planning meetings with the other fellows at your school. Before school starts, you will also participate in Summer Institute Training to learn the basics about the Blueprint program and how it works.
Can you do Blueprint for more than one year?
Yes! You can do a second (or third!) year as a Returning Fellow or take on a leadership role and do an additional year as a Lead Fellow.
Do I need to be a math major to be a fellow?
Of course not! In fact, most Blueprint Math Fellows did not study math in college! What is necessary is being open to learning new math concepts and strategies as an adult and thinking about the best way to support students who may struggle.
Can I pick the school I want to work at?
No. You will know the district and Blueprint Site Managers will place you at a school during Blueprint Summer Institute Training. During the Site Manager interview, communicate any specific needs you may have.
What do fellows do after Blueprint?
Many fellows do Blueprint as a year of service and go on to pursue degrees or careers in a variety of fields. About one third of fellows continue working in the education sector after enjoying their Blueprint experience!
What does it mean that the Blueprint Math Fellow role can be an Americorps position?
Completing the Blueprint Math Fellowship as an Americorps volunteer does not change your job. Rather, it means that you are entitled to additional benefits if you complete 1700 hours of service throughout the school year. For example, Americorps volunteers can receive the $6,195 Segal Education award and use the money to pay for previous or future educational expenses. They can also receive SNAP and childcare benefits.
What is the application process to become a Blueprint Math Fellow?
You can apply directly at this link. Once you complete the application, we will schedule a phone screen interview. You’ll need to complete a short math assessment. Next, you will have an interview with a Site Manager. Finally, we will get in touch with two of your professional references and decide if we are going to offer you a position.
Should I do Blueprint?
If you’re passionate about empowering students, committed to serving others, and open to learning math, this position is right for you!