In 2013, the Blueprint Fellows Program was selected by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to become an AmeriCorps affiliated program. AmeriCorps is a national service program that places thousands of young adults into intensive service positions where they learn valuable work skills and develop an appreciation for citizenship.
A select number of Blueprint Fellows positions are now designated as AmeriCorps member positions. Full-time AmeriCorps members are eligible to receive the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award upon successful completion of the program. Learn more by reading the AmeriCorps Fact Sheet.
To learn more about the special qualifications, responsibilities, and benefits associated with serving as an AmeriCorps member, please contact Oliver Supitix, AmeriCorp Coordinator at

Blueprint has partnered with Teach for America to help build a pipeline of highly qualified teachers and leaders for our network schools.
Teach for America is committed to leading an educational revolution in low-income communities across the country by helping to recruit, develop, train, and place their teaching corps members and alumni in high-need schools focused on closing the achievement gap.
Through this partnership, Blueprint and Teach for America are working together to ensure motivated, high-achieving, and successful individuals are leading the charge to guarantee all students growing up in poverty receive an excellent education from high-performing, effective schools.

In spring 2013, Blueprint Schools Network was selected to partner with the GreenLight Fund as part of their major initiative to expand and replicate innovative, evidence-based nonprofit organizations focused on closing the achievement and opportunity gaps across four operating sites in Boston, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and the San Francisco Bay Area. Blueprint was one of just two organizations selected from across the country to receive support for their expansion into Boston.
The funds for this grant award are provided by the Social Innovation Fund (SIF), a federal program that began in 2009 under the Obama Administration. SIF is an initiative of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), which works to meet critical community needs by supporting the local launch and successful integration of high-performing nonprofits into new communities by helping them build strong local infrastructure, community networks, and connections.