Adams County 14 School District
(January 2021-Present)

Beginning in January 2021, Blueprint partnered with the Adams County 14 school district (Denver Metro Area). In it's inaugural semester, Blueprint worked with the two middle schools, Adams City and Kearney. In the 2021-2022 school year, Blueprint has expanded to also work in three elementary schools and Adams City High School.
- Overall, students in Blueprint outperformed students not in Blueprint (randomized control trial) on growth in the state test in mathematics. This growth occurred after one month of remote Blueprint tutoring. See the chart that compares growth percentiles (SGP).
- 29% of students at Kearney Middle School scored higher than the 80th percentile in student growth.
- 70% of students at Kearney Middle School scored higher than the 60th percentile in student growth.

The 2021-2022 Adams 14 Math Fellows team is a hybrid team where some fellows are in-person and others support students via remote instruction.
A Boost in Math Confidence
- 84% of middle school students report that they agree or strongly agree that “The Blueprint Math Fellows Programs helps me feel more confident in math.”
- 100% of elementary school parents surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that “Participation in the Blueprint program helped my student in math” and that “My student enjoys the Blueprint Math Fellows program”